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Bellefleur Physiotherapy Health Tips

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Physiotherapy and Weight Loss

Physiotherapy and Weight Loss

Are you trying to lose weight? Do you feel like you would benefit from more information and support during the weight loss process? Did you know that your physiotherapist can help with this? Starting the Weight Loss Journey According to Statistics Canada, in 2014 61.8% of men (8.2 million) and 46.2% of women (6.1 million)Continue Reading »

Skiing: Hitting the Slopes Without Injuries

Skiing: Hitting the Slopes Without Injuries

The snow has come and the time to hit the slopes has finally arrived! Skiing, whether it’s downhill or cross-country, can be a fun and healthy way enjoy winter. Nevertheless, skiing, much like many other winter sports, doesn’t come without its own set of risks and possible injuries. Benefits of winter activity Skiing is aContinue Reading »

Arthritis – Can Physiotherapy Help?

Arthritis – Can Physiotherapy Help?

Did you know there are over 100 different types of arthritis?  They come in different forms and have different symptoms.  It can strike anyone at any time, regardless of age, physical condition or ethnic background, and often with devastating and debilitating effects.  Unfortunately, there is no cure for arthritis. Facts and figures about Arthritis inContinue Reading »

My Child is “Pigeon Toed”, is this Bad? The Facts Behind Intoeing in Children

My Child is “Pigeon Toed”, is this Bad? The Facts Behind Intoeing in Children

Intoeing, sometimes referred to as being “pigeon-toed”, is a relatively common condition that primarily effects toddlers and children and can involve one or both feet. Intoeing is typically first noticed when children begin walking. However, there are cases when intoeing presents itself later on in childhood. In many cases, intoeing doesn’t interfere with a child’sContinue Reading »

Incontinence: The Untold Truth About Leaking

Incontinence: The Untold Truth About Leaking

Why is it that most people are embarrassed about talking about what’s going on ‘down there’? Most women, about 50% at some point in their life cycle will have experienced urinary incontinence or unwanted ‘leaking’.  So it’s actually more common than most people think.  You don’t have to feel alone.  Incontinence can occur at anyContinue Reading »

Exercise During Pregnancy

Exercise During Pregnancy

As a mother-to-be, we want what is best for our little one, even when baby is still growing inside of you! We want to stay healthy and active as much as possible while pregnant, but how do we know what is good and what might be too much? Here are some benefits and pointers toContinue Reading »

Physiotherapy Doesn’t Equal Electricity – The Overuse of Electrotherapy Modalities in Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Doesn’t Equal Electricity – The Overuse of Electrotherapy Modalities in Physiotherapy

There seems to be a strong relationship in people’s mind that the only thing Physiotherapists do is apply various machines to clients. These machines can be anything like a pain control electrical current (TENS or Interferential Current), Therapeutic Ultrasound, LASER, muscle stimulator, etc. You would be surprised how many clients we see who have hadContinue Reading »

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