This is part 2 of the “Running From Couch to 10k” series. So You Want to Run? I have always wanted to run. Many times I would drive by runners in the neighbourhood and think, wow, they look so happy running. I think runners just have an attractive glow that is infectious and it makesContinue Reading »
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Tag: Running
Running – From Couch to 10k
Running – From Couch to 10k Running is becoming an increasingly popular activity, as it is a great way to exercise, reduces your risk of developing various diseases, and has a significant social aspect to it as well. Whether you run regularly or are just starting out, the downside of running is that it canContinue Reading »
Don’t Be a Stick-in-the-Mud, Give “The Stick” a Try
As the old saying goes, “sticks and stones may break my bones…”, so my clients seem to be repeating in their minds. Rest assured that “The Stick” will not be breaking any bones. Do not be afraid to use this product at home, it is far superior and less complicated then using a medicine ball,Continue Reading »
Fear of ice?
This is a guest post written Meghan Fish-Bellefleur who suffers from an inflammatory arthritis known as Ankylosing Spondylitis to critique a product suggested to her. After suffering with sometimes crippling pain and stiffness for approximately 2 years, I was finally diagnosed with an inflammatory arthritis and auto-immune disorder, Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). Now with all thisContinue Reading »