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Bellefleur Physiotherapy Health Tips

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7 Common Myths about Fitness: Separating Fact from Fiction

7 Common Myths about Fitness: Separating Fact from Fiction

The fitness world is rife with myths and misconceptions that can derail even the most dedicated exercisers. At Bellefleur Physio, we believe in empowering you with accurate information to achieve your fitness goals safely and effectively. Let’s debunk some common fitness myths.Myth 1: No Pain, No GainTruth: While it’s normal to experience some muscle sorenessContinue Reading »

Sports Nutrition and Maintaining Optimal Weight

Sports Nutrition and Maintaining Optimal Weight

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike, proper sports nutrition is as crucial as the training itself. It provides the energy, nutrients, and hydration needed to perform at your best and achieve your fitness goals. Sports nutrition focuses on optimizing your diet to support your specific athletic demands, including maintaining a healthy weight. It also means deliveringContinue Reading »

Physiotherapy and Fitness for Your Busy Life

Physiotherapy and Fitness for Your Busy Life

Physiotherapy and fitness you ask? Is it possible to do and what are the benefits? Well, have you ever felt frustrated with healthcare professionals who rush you in and out? On that same token have you ever felt like the gyms are a bit overcrowded? Let’s take Christine for example, a 52-year-old runner and soon-to-beContinue Reading »

Embracing the Blue Zone Lifestyle: 5 Useful Tips for a Longer, Healthier Life

Embracing the Blue Zone Lifestyle: 5 Useful Tips for a Longer, Healthier Life

In various regions across the world, there exist unique communities known as “blue zones,” where people live remarkably longer and healthier lives compared to the global average. These communities, located in countries such as Japan, Italy, Greece, Costa Rica, and the United States, share common lifestyle practices that contribute to their exceptional well-being.  There areContinue Reading »

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