Back Pain Physiotherapy
“ Say Goodbye to Back Pain and Stiffness - Physiotherapy Can Reduce the Need for Painkillers, Surgery and No Doctor Referral Required
Just Visit One of Our Ottawa Clinics!”
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The lower back is an intricate structure of interconnected and overlapping elements: tendons and muscles, other soft tissues, highly sensitive nerves and nerve roots, and small and complex joints and spinal discs and their gelatinous cores.
When a problem or something is irritating any of these sensitive structures, it can cause low back pain and pain that radiates to other parts of the body. And as if the pain alone weren't enough to bear, many patients also suffer from painful muscle spasms in the lower back that can be disabling in their intensity.
But while lower back pain is widespread, the symptoms and severity of lower back pain vary greatly. We’re all different. For some people, a simple lower back muscle strain might be excruciating enough to require an emergency room visit, whereas, for others, a degenerating disc might cause only mild, intermittent discomfort.
It’s no fun at all.
Every time you bend down or twist to the side, it hurts. It might be worse with movement, but the pain may even remain when you're horizontal and trying to rest, relax or sleep too. There's no escape. Plus, lower back pain is nearly always accompanied by stiffness and loss of mobility in the lower back area, making sports and other activities – like simply walking, cooking, gardening or cleaning virtually impossible without intense pain or frightening back spasms.
Often, it comes out of the blue, too – with no apparent reason for the pain or loss of mobility. On e day you're playing tennis and chasing the children around. The next, you're almost entirely out of action, forced to do nothing. You try heat packs, ice packs, anti-inflammatories, and hot baths, but the pain and tightness remain steadfast. Nothing. Is. Helping. So much so that you start to think this is you for the rest of your life. "It must be old age ," right?"
Don’t worry. We see this type of situation all the time. Lower BACK PAIN is one of the most common pain problems we treat at the BELLEFLEUR PHYSIOTHERAPY clinic based in Ottawa.
And the most popular question all these patients ask is
“Why is This Happening to Me ? How can I get Relief?”...
“Why Am I Still Suffering With Back Pain After Putting Up With It
For 6 Months (Maybe More)?”
It's easy to think that your back pain will get better if you give it time - hoping that you'll wake up in a few days or weeks and feel like it never happened. But if you've already had pain for more than seven days, this scenario is unlikely. And if you do leave it, things are likely to get even worse.
Have you had back pain for more than seven days?
If you’ve been in pain for a while, you might have already been to see your family physician. But if you are like most of the patients we see, they probably just sent you away with instructions to "rest ," "take painkillers," and “come back in 6 weeks if nothing improves”.
Sadly, most patients end up back in the doctor's office after six weeks of continued pain and discomfort. But again, they’re given similar advice to "give it more time," "take these stronger painkillers," or "take more rest."
We believe life is too short to waste this much time, especially as there is so much we can do right away to help reduce and cure your lower back pain. This type of “watch and wait” advice is why so many people aged 45+ are living with chronic lower BACK PAIN and suffering the long-term health consequences of pain medications.
Are you confused about why you still have BACK PAIN?
So, what are some other reasons why your back pain is lasting longer than it should do? Well, it could be information overload – due to different theories on the source of your pain. Many people (qualified and unqualified) – especially on the internet, are more than happy to give out advice on back pain – but most of it isn’t credible. And sometimes, it can be dangerous.
If you haven’t suffered an obvious injury, you probably think the cause of your BACK PAIN is something you did but don't remember – like lifting something too heavy or straining it another way. But the most likely cause and the cause we often see in the Bellefleur clinics is weakened back and core muscles caused by poor posture over a long period. The lifting or straining just exacerbated the situation.
If you’re not an expert in BACK PAIN, it can be challenging to decipher the cause of your lower back pain and stiffness. That's why many people accept it as a natural part of ageing, but you don’t have to put up with it.
Who is the Best Person to See for Back Pain?
Well If You’re Currently Living With Back Pain, One of Our Experienced Ottawa Physiotherapists Can Create a Treatment Plan For you.
If You’re Currently Living With Back Pain, Here are 7 Reasons Why It Could Be Lasting Longer Than It Should:
- Initially, you thought it would get better on its own – but it hasn’t
- You consulted your doctor, who prescribed the usual "bed rest and painkillers," but as soon as you tried to get back to normal and stop taking the pills, the pain came back with a vengeance.
- Friends told you that “everyone’s back hurts when they get older," so you went along with that idea and put up with it
- You looked online for home remedies and tried some stretching exercises, but either they didn’t help, or they made the pain worse.
- You consulted a host of different alternative health therapists with the promise of healing your pain, but it still hurts
- You tried massage too – thinking your back pain and stiffness might be stress, but although you felt relaxed right afterwards, it didn't solve the problem, and you're still in pain
- You tried one of the popular self-heating pads advertised as a cure for back pain, but it turned out to be more wasted $$
If any of this sounds familiar, we would love to help. Why not start with a call with one of our Physiotherapists to find out what we can do to help you resolve your BACK PAIN quickly. It doesn't matter if you've tried Physiotherapy before. We offer higher standards of care and more effective treatment at BELLEFLEUR PHYSIOTHERAPY. We’re confident we can help.
Just click the link below to book a free call with a member of the BELLEFLEUR PHYSIOTHERAPY team to get some expert advice on your specific situation. Remember, there is no obligation to book treatment after the call. It's an information call only. Whether or not you proceed to book a treatment session based on our advice is 100% up to you.
What Can I do to Get Rid of My Back Pain Quickly?...
Well, here's 4 things you can do:
- First, you need to decide to get help. So many people put it off for too long, believing that back pain will "just get better on its own." But six months later, they're still enduring daily pain. It's no better – and sometimes it's even worse.
- Next, perform the CORRECT exercises – performing a series of therapeutic exercises is a great way to ease your back pain, but you must do the right ones. A physiotherapist can teach you these exercises - the right way, so you don’t subject yourself to further injury. After performing these exercises consistently, you’ll be able to move your lower back freely again and your pain levels reduced.
- Stay active and mobile – Have you tried to get up and move around after a day spent on the sofa? Yes, your whole body feels stiff and tight, doesn't it? Too much rest can exacerbate all types of pain, mainly back pain – as a strong and functional lower back is crucial for all kinds of movement. So, it’s beneficial to keep your lower back moving throughout the day to keep the muscles strong and to circulate all-important blood and oxygen.
- Get expert, “hands-on” physiotherapy – Physiotherapy is by far the best way to resolve chronic back pain. At BELLEFLEUR PHYSIOTHERAPY, we help patients with back pain reduce their pain and improve lower back function every day. So if back pain is affecting your career, your relationships or your ability to perform daily tasks or participate in sports/hobbies, we can help.
If you would like to find out how the physiotherapy team at the BELLEFLEUR PHYSIOTHERAPY can help you get rid of the pain in your back – we invite you to visit us at our Beechwood or Orléans clinics for a free, no-obligation appointment:
Note: This free Discovery Visit is perfect for you if you feel nervous about having physiotherapy, want to explore the benefits or decide whether it’s right for you, with the help of one of our Physiotherapists. If that’s you, please book one of these no-obligation sessions to take the first step towards getting rid of your neck pain, once and for all. There is 0% financial risk on your part.
So the next question is:
“How Can Choosing to See a Physiotherapist at BELLEFLEUR PHYSIOTHERAPY Help You Get Rid of Your Back Pain?”
Here is a small sample of the things our Physiotherapy team can do for you:
- We can help you find the source of your back pain and explain what's going on - usually within your first 60 minute visit
- We know that back pain can keep you awake at night and “zap” your energy the next day – so we help you enjoy a good night's sleep again and get a boost in energy, even after the first session.
- We strive to make sure that your problem is “healed” and “corrected” and educate you on preventing future reoccurrences.
- We provide you with a set of therapeutic lower back exercises to do at home to help speed up recovery and keep your back flexible and pain-free.
- We reduce the risk of you needing to pop pain pills, which may affect your long-term health.
- We minimize the likelihood of needing dangerous spinal surgery – or uncomfortable steroid injections.
- We may prevent you from having to see your doctor by diagnosing and treating your condition directly.
- We help you enjoy life again and spend time with your partner, friends, and family again – without worrying about back pain.
- We help you sit at your desk or in an armchair and go out walking or playing sport again without feeling that excruciating pain in your back.
In summary, we help you break free from the curse of chronic back pain.
If you would like to find out what our Physiotherapy services cost – or what availability we have at our Beechwood and Orléans clinics, please click the link below and complete the short form:
Or, Maybe You're Just Looking for Some Free Tips You Can Start Using Right Away?

Download our FREE Guide: "9 natural and simple ways to end back pain (and stiffness) without needing medication and surgery"
“Find Out How People Just Like You, Came to Bellefleur - Physiotherapy and Left Happier and Much Healthier!”
Please enjoy watching stories of other people with back pain just like you who came to see the team at Bellefleur physiotherapy and left much healthier and happier: