Running Physiotherapy and 5 Common Running Myths Demystified. The popularity of running has grown tremendously over the past number of years. Not only is it a great way to stay physically active but it also has a significant social aspect. Like many things, there are stories or facts that people create but yet have noContinue Reading »
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Category: Running
Plantar Fasciitis – What is that intense pain in the arch?
Have you ever woken up in the morning and as soon as you put weight down on your foot, you feel the most excruciating pain in your heel or arch of the foot? Does the same thing happen when you get up after sitting for a while? You may have plantar fasciitis. But what doesContinue Reading »
Don’t Be a Stick-in-the-Mud, Give “The Stick” a Try
As the old saying goes, “sticks and stones may break my bones…”, so my clients seem to be repeating in their minds. Rest assured that “The Stick” will not be breaking any bones. Do not be afraid to use this product at home, it is far superior and less complicated then using a medicine ball,Continue Reading »