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C-section – What Are The Consequences On The Body?

C-section – What Are The Consequences On The Body?

Pregnancy can be a positive experience for women, and we all know that having good expectations and a birth plan can make labour and delivery much more predictable and pleasant experience. If there are no complications expected during labour, a vaginal birth is usually safer and more natural than a Caesarean-section (C-section) birth. C-section MeansContinue Reading »

Torticollis – A pain in the neck for the child or adult

Torticollis – A pain in the neck for the child or adult

Torticollis, sometimes referred to as wry neck, is a condition characterized by an asymmetrical head and/or neck position due to involuntary neck muscle contractions. Over time, this can result in the shortening of these muscles, causing pain and discomfort when moving the head in certain directions. Torticollis can affect individuals of all ages but theContinue Reading »

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