Intoeing, sometimes referred to as being “pigeon-toed”, is a relatively common condition that primarily effects toddlers and children and can involve one or both feet. Intoeing is typically first noticed when children begin walking. However, there are cases when intoeing presents itself later on in childhood. In many cases, intoeing doesn’t interfere with a child’sContinue Reading »
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Tag: Children
Growing Pains in the Knees – What is Osgood-Schlatter Disease?
Osgood-Schlatter Disease What is OSD? Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) is a condition most commonly found in children and adolescents, often during puberty, which is characterized by a painful bump just below one or both knees. This condition frequently occurs in children who are active and participate in sports with regular running, jumping, or fast turns suchContinue Reading »
Physiotherapy for children – Is It Right For My Child?
We often forget about physiotherapy for children, and most often because we’re worried about our own aches and pains. Babies, infants, children, and youth of all ages can truly benefit from the services provided by a physiotherapist! Some childhood conditions that could benefit from physiotherapy include: torticollis, neurological conditions, hip dysplasia, development delays, and congenitalContinue Reading »