Intimacy Without The Ouch – A Look At Pelvic Pain - Bellefleur
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Intimacy Without The Ouch – A Look At Pelvic Pain

Whether you are watching the latest Netflix series, or looking at the articles in magazines, there is an enhanced image of how amazing sex should be, and how we should be having it all the time. The unfortunate truth is that for 20% of women in North America, this isn’t the case. With 1 out of every 5 women who aren’t able to enjoy having sex, you would think that we would be talking about it more often. Unfortunately there is still stigma in our world regarding talking about sex, and so these women and men are suffering in silence.

Many things can contribute to pelvic pain during intercourse, but the good news is, is that there are many treatment options for these women. The surprising truth, is that there are physiotherapy interventions that can help you to take away the pain and lead you to re-discover the pleasure again.

Causes of Pelvic Pain

Many things can contribute to experiencing pain with intercourse. For some individuals, sex has never been fun. Even from the first time trying intercourse, individuals can experience pain as the muscles in the pelvic floor haven’t been stretched yet. Just like the muscles in your legs, the muscles in our pelvic floor also need to be stretched! For others, pelvic pain can come from an outside source, like a painful infection or procedure, which can contribute to pain in the future with intercourse.

Regardless of the initial source of the pain, the muscles in our body respond by creating tension in order to protect the area. The next time that intercourse is attempted, the muscles are already tense in anticipation of the pain (our bodies remember everything), and the muscles become more tense. This contributes to the pain during intercourse, as it can increase friction and create a burning sensation at the muscles. This creates more fear and avoidance, which can create a continued cycle that we see all too often in the human body.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Model

There Are Treatment Options Available

Only 60% of affected women seek treatment for the pain that they experience in the intimate parts of their lives, and not all of them receive a diagnosis or treatment plan. Many women get education from their doctors to use lubricant, or just try to relax, but without guidance this advice often doesn’t have a lasting effect. In a physiotherapy assessment, we would ask you questions regarding your pain, and assess the strength and tone of the muscles in your pelvic floor.

Throughout the treatment sessions we will discuss strategies to become comfortable again with the intimate parts of your life, and learn how to properly relax the muscles of the pelvic floor in order to bring back the fun with intercourse.

You Don’t Have To Suffer With Pelvic Pain

For more information on treatment and assessment of pelvic pain, give us at call at 613-424-7852, or book an appointment with one of our pelvic health therapists. Congratulations on taking the first step in the process of overcoming your pelvic pain.

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Natasha Eddie
Natasha Eddie has worked as a physiotherapist in the orthopedic sector since graduating from the University of Ottawa in 2017. Before completing her Master's in Physiotherapy, she obtained a bachelor's degree in biological sciences from the University of Alberta in 2014. Natasha uses a client-centred approach to individualize her treatments and to help her patients reach their goals. She combines manual therapy, education and exercise to provide her patients with the necessary tools to achieve a successful recovery. She strongly believes in an active approach to care and encourages her patients to be involved in their rehab. Natasha is bilingual and offers services in both French and English. Natasha plans to continuously update her skills through continuing education and currently holds certificates in the following areas:

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