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Bellefleur Physiotherapy Health Tips

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The Overuse of Electrotherapy Modalities in Physiotherapy

The Overuse of Electrotherapy Modalities in Physiotherapy

There seems to be a strong relationship in people’s mind that the only thing Physiotherapists do is apply various machines to clients. These machines can be anything like a pain control electrical current (TENS or Interferential Current), Therapeutic Ultrasound, LASER, muscle stimulator, etc. You would be surprised how many clients we see who have hadContinue Reading »

Grasping the Graston Technique

Grasping the Graston Technique

Graston Technique and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation (IASTM) Clients often ask about the Graston Technique when what they are really referring to is the less commonly used name, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM). Graston as well as IASTM is gaining popularity not only with patients, but as well with practitioners due to itsContinue Reading »

Tennis elbow – Stop being backhanded by elbow pain

Tennis elbow – Stop being backhanded by elbow pain

Tennis elbow is the common term used for what is medically identified as lateral epicondylitis. This term simply means an inflammation around the outside of the elbow. Your forearm muscles attach to the epicondyle portion of the arm bone, and with repetitive activities over time or a traumatic event you can develop a tendonitis orContinue Reading »

Fear of ice?

Fear of ice?

This is a guest post written Meghan Fish-Bellefleur who suffers from an inflammatory arthritis known as Ankylosing Spondylitis to critique a product suggested to her. After suffering with sometimes crippling pain and stiffness for approximately 2 years, I was finally diagnosed with an inflammatory arthritis and auto-immune disorder, Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). Now with all thisContinue Reading »

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