Running Physiotherapy - 5 Common Running Myths Demystified - Bellefleur
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Running Physiotherapy – 5 Common Running Myths Demystified

prevent running injuries

Running Physiotherapy and 5 Common Running Myths Demystified. The popularity of running has grown tremendously over the past number of years. Not only is it a great way to stay physically active but it also has a significant social aspect. Like many things, there are stories or facts that people create but yet have no evidence to back them up or there is actually research to prove these claims are false. In our running physiotherapy clinic we often hear many false statements in regards to running and running injuries, here are 5 of the most common running myths and the actual reality of the situation:

1- Most running injuries are caused by external factors (such as shoes, running surfaces, etc) or intrinsic factors (lack of flexibility, muscle weakness, abnormal biomechanics).

One of the most common running myths is that the main cause of running injuries is the amount of stress applied to the tissues. Yes it’s true that nearly 80% of running injuries are attributable to either an increase in training volume or training intensity. That’s why when someone consults with us, we often look for any recent changes to the training regime first!

running physiotherapy

2- A shoe’s cushioning prevents injury by reducing the shock to the runner’s body.

Clinical and scientific research does not support this statement. It has actually been shown that cushioning increases the stress on the human skeleton. The body has a natural shock absorption mechanism but with increased external cushioning this process gets disrupted. This is part of the reason why barefoot and minimalist running has become so popular over the past several years.

3- Stretching decreases the incidence of injury and exercise-induced muscle pain while improving performance and post-run recovery.

Stretching before physical activity does not reduce the incidence of injury and may even increase it. Studies have also shown that stretching has no influence on post-run pain or recovery. Pre-run stretching has a negative impact on speed and endurance because it lengthens muscles that actually need to work in a shortened position during the activity. It has been shown that regular stretching done in separate sessions appears to improve speed and performance.

Running myths debunked

4- Running increases arthritis of the knee because over time, the significant and repeated impact with the ground causes irreversible damage to the cartilage.

Several studies have shown that arthritis is no more common in runners than in non-runners. Studies also demonstrate that the cartilage in a runner’s knee is thicker and stronger than that of a sedentary person showing that the body has a capacity to adapt.

5- Anti-inflammatories help the injured runner control excessive inflammation and speed up their return to regular activity more quickly, with no negative impact on tissue.

Inflammation is a natural and necessary response to all tissue damage induced by trauma or overuse. Although we tend to feel better with anti-inflammatory use, studies have demonstrated that these medications can prevent proper healing of tissues, making them more vulnerable in the medium term.

As you can see, it’s not always the best idea to assume what others are saying is correct. If you have any questions or are unsure about the information you hear, it is always best to consult a regulated healthcare professional to receive the proper information and make an informed decision.

Jason Bellefleur
Jason Bellefleur is a multi-award-winning physiotherapist. Most recently, he was recognized as a 2016 Ottawa Forty Under 40 recipient and received numerous awards from the Orléans Chamber of Commerce (the 2011 Young Business Person of the Year, the 2012 Healthcare Professional of the Year and the 2014 Business Person of the Year awards). Jason is proud to be an Orléans resident and to raise his family in a bilingual community. He enthusiastically promotes local business within the Orléans area and frequently supports and participates in local events. Jason was recognized for his community involvement by receiving the Orleans 150 Community Builder award in 2017 by Ottawa-Orléans MPP Marie-France Lalonde. Jason firmly believes in high-quality one-on-one physiotherapy interventions. His treatment approach emphasizes hands-on intervention, continued client education, and active involvement by the individual to help them reach their full potential. By opening a clinic that offers 'Higher Standards of Care,' Jason wants his patients to feel confident that they receive the highest level of patient care available. As a result, he is also preventing injury and helping to improve their health and well-being.

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